I am really excited about the new project that I am working on. It is called INTERЯOGATION: WALSALL and is organised by Longhouse and The New Art Gallery Walsall, and me. It involves bringing artists to Walsall for one of four days which explore the artist's role in the post-industrial world, and looking at the impact that one artist can make on one place on one day. Essentially these 4 days will be professional artist development opportunities for 5 or 6 artists per day. Each will be given a mission to carry out which engages with the public. The programme will then culminate in a symposium, where experts and practitioners in the four topic areas will deliver a 20 minute presentation each and then be involved in a panel discussion. The call for artists is below:
Longhouse is an annual programme of work carried out by community arts organisation, Multistory based in
Call to Artists:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to become a secret agent for a day in order to interrogate the public spaces of
Using the New Art Gallery Walsall as a base you will investigate the artist’s role in the post-industrial world through one of four methods:
The programme, organised by Longhouse and the New Art Gallery
The programme questions how working quickly and responsively feels for the artist, and provides opportunities for artists to work together within public realm spaces.
How to Apply:
To express interest in this opportunity send:
· 100 words describing why you are right for this mission and
· state which of the four methods you are interested in interrogating (
· your C.V. and a maximum of 5 images of your current practice
Please send your expression of interest to: chloebrown@multistory.org.uk
Deadline for submissions:
Successful ‘agents’ will be notified on
(Please note that due to the timescale and nature of the project feedback will not be given to unsuccessful applicants)
Each agent will receive a fee of £100 towards travel, time and other expenses, plus £20 on the day of the mission to cover any immediate costs incurred.
Agents must be available for the full day of the mission (dates are stated next to the four interrogation methods above), and on a project symposium day (
Each mission will be documented photographically and with video.
Results will be displayed on the Longhouse website and in the Artists’ Studio at The New Art Gallery Walsall.
For more information go to www.longhouse.uk.com
or to follow the dedicated project blog o to www.interrogation-walsall.blogspot.com
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