This week my Garden Festival Decoupage has been on display at the Burslem School of Art as part of the Pic n Mix exhibition, showing 6 women's photographs, organised by Stoke-on-Trent's Photographer's Collective. The show is on until 9th October, and so go and have a gander. There were limited edition postcard packs of the 6 pictures, with facts about the Garden Festival on the back. Not sure if there are any left now though, as they were very popular. Thanks to Darren Washington for the documentary photos.
This week artists Emma Leach and Natasha Vicars have been sending me written assignments briefs to fulfil, for their project Reportage at KUBE, Poole. It has been quite exciting. The first one came through on Wednesday and said write a report on a Pool in Stoke. The second one the next day said 'through online research, report on current health concerns in Poole.' and the last one which came through today said 'Report on the resolution of something, include water in your report.' The artists have set up a temporary newsdesk in the gallery, and have recruited keen reporters to write quick response articles on unusual topics. I like the notion of these things being quick and off the cuff, and I have relaly enjoyed having someone set me something to do, especially as Interrogation has been taking up a lot of time, and has involved me setting things for other artists to feels like a good balance to have someone set me some assignments in exchange. I wrote about verrucas in shelton pool...patients drinking alcohol gel in hospitals in Poole...a dying man and his gas bill...and poor dead Gilbert the whale. I enjoyed it. Here is the PDF. Echoes of A_all Pages
Free TV : Ustream So tomorrow will be the first day of the Residency at the New Art Gallery Walsall, so myself (Agent Francis) along with Agent Greenwood, Agent Brown and Agent Stoker will take up residence in the Artist's Studio at the Gallery, in order to turn the room into 'The Interrogation Room.' The room will be the headquarters for the next month, where we will see groups of artists coming each Wednesday to carry out a series of missions. TOP SECRET: Agent Artists Identities will be revealed on a need to know basis... In order to extedn the reach of the project a project blog has been set up, and technologies permitting a live stream and video will be transmitted during each Mission Day, and during the final Symposium Day, when we have some really interesting speakers lined up, who will deliver presentations on their particular areas of public realm arts practice, and at the end of that there will be a panel discussion, with the artists involved in the missions, the four speakers, myself and the public. If you wish to book a place for the Symposium, then you can do so by emailing Agent Brown: But if you can't make it, but would like to be involved in the project/debate, you can follow proceedings and have your say live online. A twitter account and a special online tv channel have been set up for these purposes. So go to for the twitter feed or go to to watch live online during the mission days (which will be 9th/16th/23rd/30th September - 10am-5pm and the Symposium Day Friday, 2nd October 1-5pm).