WLTM is the two month curatorial residency that I am embarking on for July and August, at Harrington Mill Studios, Long Eaton.
Application details are as follows.
WHO: all
WHAT: submissions invited for WLTM exhibition at HMS – Long Eaton – a dating agency for works of art. The selection process is entirely objective - utilising statistical dating agency pairing methods to find the perfect partner for each work of art. The piece of work submitted should be representative of your practice to date and should be seen as a good stand in for you as an artist. Successful artists need to be able to attend the preview. Please be advised that there is no budget for the exhibition, so artists will need to cover their own transport/postal costs. All application material will be exhibited at the exhibition.
WHERE: Harrington Mills Studios, Long Eaton.
WHEN: August
COST: Postal costs to and from HMS/transport if applicable.
BENEFITS: Exhibiting and networking opportunity, publicity.
TO APPLY: Please email Anna Francis – for dating agency questionnaire and application details: wltm.info@yahoo.co.uk
Deadline: Monday July 7th, 2008.
WLTM is a curatorial investigation into a new way of selecting and exhibiting art works which removes the personal, subjective thoughts and feelings of the Curator, using statistical data alone to select and pair works of art for an exhibition. WLTM ensures that every artist that submits an application has an equal chance of being selected, regardless of previous experience, c.v. or relationship to the curator.
A Blog to document the project has been set up at www.wltm-hms.blogspot.com
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