On Sunday, 7th December me and some of the other AirSpace crew headed over to The Leopard, an amazing pub in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent to support the 'Art for Life' event, which was organised by the arts team at the North Staffordshire Hospital, to raise money for creative workshops for teenagers staying in the hospital. The organisers had asked us to organise some artistic interventions around the pub, and also to lend a hand in the technical side of things: my specific job was to be the announcer, but I also needed to make a site-specific piece of work.
I decided to create a new piece of art work for the event, which would be like a remix of existing artowrks dotted about the leopard. So on a site visit I took some photos and then worked on the amalgamation below.

Unfortunately my computer blew up in the meantime, and so I couldn't get it printed. So instead I decided to make an interactive intervention.

I noticed that in my collins pocket book of butterflies one of the butterflies was called the leopard butterfly: so I took the collins pocket book of butterflies to the Leopard and made a site specific intervention which involved taking the pages from the book and pinning them around the pub in response to what was there, for example the Painted Lady butterfly was pinned to a painting of a barmaid wearing lots of make-up; or the Nettle Tree butterfly was placed in a vase of dried flowers. Hidden amongst these was the Leopard Butterfly, and the person who found it won a bell jar with a small diorama inside; with real taxidermy butterflies.

Thanks to Sarah Turner for the pics.
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