WHO: All artists across multiple art forms and mediums, for a location specific arts project, which involves creative responses to a city public park.
WHAT: Common Ground is a weekend long arts event based in Hanley Park, Stoke-on-Trent, organised by AirSpace Gallery Studio Artists. The project invites artists to make site-responsive works for the public to discover. The art works will aim to work with the historical and physical reality of the site, and possible future vision for a public park in need of activation.
Common Ground has been commissioned in response to a recent public consultation project, Quality Streets, where the public expressed a desire to see activities and events taking place within the park.
Common Ground will see artists intervening in public spaces; loudly, quietly, secretly or overtly, in a manner which questions the use of public parkland in the 21st century. The works should last the weekend, be sensitive to the place they are situated, and should aim to create a place or event individually and collectively.
We are particularly interested in works which engage the public, but this is not a prerequisite, as all innovative and interesting responses will be considered.
Common Ground questions the ownership of public space through event, exhibition, happening and response.
Common Ground will be carefully documented, and a publication will be produced which sets a precedence for artistic and creative responses to public realm space in Stoke-on-Trent.
WHEN: Saturday, June 26th and Sunday, June 27th 2010.
PAYMENTS: £100 per project including expenses.
APPLY: 200 word proposal, stating what you intend to do, how and why. Please also send a C.V. and any web links.
CONTACT: deadromanceboxes@yahoo.co.uk
Deadline: 19 May 2010
Organiser/employer: Anna Francis
Links: http://annafrancis.blogspot.com/2010/05/hanley-park.html
contextual info about Hanley Park: http://www.thepotteries.org/parks/hanley/
Fancy it? Why not put in a proposal?

Thanks Anna
Great call - looking forward to the responses.
More info here - http://www.stoke.gov.uk/ccm/navigation/leisure/parks/hanley-park/
Me Too! Thanks for the link x
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